Carlo Palmiero grew up in the 60’s in Valenza, a small town of Piedmont, a region in the northern part of Italy. The town has always been famous for its goldsmith tradition. He was inevitably influenced by this art and had the oppurtinity to enter artisanal laboratories and work together with the greatest experts of the field.
This in the origin of a true love story, the one with the art of jewellery, whitch has lasted unchanged until today. The firts jewels were realised in the small laboratory opened in the 70’s, where objects characterised by small dimensions but already strong personality were created.
Carlo Palmiero by bucking the trend and modifying the standads of classical jewellery (which in trose years mostly referred to solitaire, contrarié or important centres surrounded by diamonds) moved the attention from the „centre“ to the whole object, dilated the shapes and expanded the attention to the whole jewel surface. His rings become 360° sculptures, including the shank, which is now protagonist and not only simple stand. Palmiero Jewellery Design shows top quality and creativity, authentically haute de gamme and authentically Made in Italy.